PARISIAN - Rosaé was born under the Parisian sky, as the name of its eponym first collection, “Sous le Ciel de Paris”. Rosaé Paris embodies this delicate balance between discrete sophistication and apparent laid-back attitude that we here in Paris cherish so much. It aims at capturing the spirit of the moment, “l’air du temps”, with all the required distance, so that, season after season, we can still love every single item we bought from Rosaé Paris, just like on the first day!

REFINED - As its Rose totem, Rosaé Paris is fresh and delicate. This delicateness is to be found in every fabric, every button, each design and details. Rosaé Paris has the purpose of offering a high-standard of quality and sophistication with refined materials, bespoke cuts, precise manufacturing. Because we want the best for ourselves as shopping-lovers, we want the same for our clients!

NATURAL - Of course it would be unbearable if we were not starting this company right away into the good practices of eco-responsibility. Our collection contains more than 95% of natural fibers and materials, most of which with oeko qualification or better, recycled materials, like the organic cottons of our tee-shirts and sweat-shirts, or the recycled polyesters of our tags. And everything is manufactured in Europe, of course!

FEMININE - Rosae is the plural of rose in latin. And you know how roses symbolize women. That’s what it is about: a fashion designed by women, for women. A fashion that accompanies each one of us from Monday to Sunday, morning to evening, comfortably, conveniently, lovelily, adorably. Because we want to celebrate and take care of all women, all unsold products will be given out to women care associations near us.

POWERFUL - Just like the scent of a Rose, a wardrobe by Rosaé Paris is powerful. It is here to make you more confident, affirmed and determined to live your life, dance, laugh, work, love. A wardrobe by Rosaé Paris is here to reveal who you are.